
Emotional problem, help me?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sick of being a hateful person full of rage. I'm very abusive to my family and I even hit my small dogs. I act like a respectful person person in public that don't have issues but at home it's a different, I guess it's because I don't want to go to jail. I'm a misanthropic and I'm sick of being anger at the world. I'm very abusive to my 13 yo sister and I even sick enough to kick and bash my puggle. I hate everything and everyone, I don't want to be like a normal teenager. The truth is I'm addicted to the rush, I get from being in rage/abusive mode. I been this way since pre-school. I had gotten spanking for the behavior but it only seems to get worst. And sometimes I cut myself if I can't hurt somebody or breaks object. Sometimes I'm angry enough to kill someone. I think in love with the idea of killing everyone.




  1. It sound to me like you are very lonely. Did you know that only God can fill that empty space. No person could ever love you the way that your Creator can. He is waiting on you to accept him. I am not telling you this to condemn you but to let you know that God is real and He loves you more than any human ever could. Do you have a Bible? All you have to do is to open your heart to Jesus and accept the price that He paid for your sins. Not just the ones that you have already commited but the ones that you will continue to commit. I am a sinner as well. However, I am a forgiven sinner, just as you can become. Life will not get easier but you will not be going through it alone. God will never allow you to go through something that He cannot carry you through. He is the Lord Almighty and nothing is to big or too small for Him. You matter to Him soooo much that He sent His ONLY begotten Son to die for you on the cross so that you might have everlasting life with Him in Heaven. I love You and will be praying for you.

  2. YOU ARE?

  3. I think that recognizing that you do not want to feel this way anymore is a really good first step.  I would talk to your parents about getting into counseling, if you aren't comfortable with that you could talk to your school counselor or psychologist.  You could also look to see if there are any anger management group meetings in your city.  Good Luck

  4. Wow, I think you should calm down and take life a little slower. You don't want to harm you or others. Not really I'm sure that sometimes you are angry, but just let it stay like that. Don't worry about things that will stress you out. If you are that angry you need to find things to do that you enjoy. I can see if you felt like you were a prisoner in your on home - and people were constantly threatenings your life... Let's see if you can try and  trade places with other people and see how they are feeling.

  5. Ha, ha, ha...

  6. you should go to the psych category.

  7. You sound like you need professional help.    I suffer from depression, and have changed my life with the help of professionals.

    What are you so angry about?     You need to look into that and determine just what is causing this.    Cutting yourself is pointless.

    Breaking things is pointless, taking out your anger on others is pointless.      You don't enjoy being this way, and you can change, but you may need help to do so and break this cycle of behaviour so that you can lead a happier life and a productive one.

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