I have been on and off with my 7th grade love for years now, he is now my son's father which is 7 months old. He was very emotionally abusive and manipulative and controlling. I loved him so much alot of things I let myself get used to and thought he was just being sincere. I wasnt allowed to wear makeup, wear contacts, no cell phone, wasnt allowed to carry any money, drivers licence, etc etc etc. THIS LIST GOES ON. If i looked at other men walking by in public areas is was a huge issue !! Fighting all night, day after day, night after night. I left him and came back several times. I loved him so i put up with it! and i still till this day go back and forth! Am i stupid? AM i wrong to continue? He says he will change but after months of not taking and supposedly changed man, when we get back together everything is the same. Some say when i go to him and leave again cuz of his bull, Im the one who is wrong cuz he is upset or crying, Should i feel sorry for him and should i be the one is wrong when ultimatley it is his fault that i left cuz of his c**p??? so confused!!!!!