
Empanelling and/or Sequestering the Jury~?

by  |  earlier

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What do those terms mean?

Usually I would've Googled it, but Google doesn't seem to want to answer my questions today...

Thanks for your help :)




  1. As a general rule, jurors to go home at the end of the day and return the next morning. There are occasions, however, that require a court to "sequester" a jury on a case overnight during deliberation on a verdict. In extremely rare cases, a jury may be sequestered during the trial itself. "Sequestered" means that jurors do not go home at the end of the day, but stay in a hotel, where their access to other people and to radio and television news or newspapers is limited.

  2. ....Also, jurors are not allowed to speak, talk, or even listen to tv under any circumstances pertaining to a trial, due to conflict of interest and possibly cause a mistrial.

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