
Emperor Nero Facts? :)?

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Anyone know any random facts about Nero?

Thank you :)




  1. nero was the last of the line of caesar, his father died when he was 3 and his mother Agrippina married  her uncle the empror claudius. In  ad54 Agrippina poisoned her husband and nero was declared emperor. Claudius`s son Britannicus who was the rightful heir was then poisnoned by nero. Nero married octavia Claudius`s daughter and  she was his step-sister , they were not related by blood.Agrippina had a great deal of influence on his reign but in AD55 tiring of her influence he had her removed from the palace. Up until AD59 Nero was a fair and good ruler, he reduced taxes, abolished capital punishment and forbade bloodshed in the circuses. All this changed  when he ordered the murder of his mother, Agrippina , who he suspected of treason and sent 3 assasins to kill her which they did by stabbing her. Nero, however, did not marry his mother.  In AD62 he married his mistress poppea and had his wife Octavia. It is poppea who is blamed for bringing out the worst in Nero and she was certainly his equal in terms of cruelty. In AD62 nero poisoned his praetorian prefect Burrus and in AD64 came the great fire of Rome. Historians are still divided over whether Nero started the fire deliberately but he was suspected at the time. He did rebuild the city and installed a fire safety code but needing a scapegoat he blamed the christians and retribution on them was brutal. Many were fed to the lions, others torn apart by dogs and he even used some as human torches to light his gardens. Upprisings against Nero began in AD68 as the Romans tired of his bloodlust and his own self-seeking life of pleasure. The same year Nero commited suicide by cutting his wrists and his secretary Epaphroditus as was customary followed this up by a single stab wound. Neros last words were reputedly "What an artist dies in me"  

  2. He was blond

  3. 'Nero' means 'black' in Italian

    Some historians claim that Nero was actually black, if not merely very dark-skinned, possibly from the intermarrying of Africans with overseas Romans.

    Latin is the linguistic base of Italian

    The use of lead as a solder for metal drinking cups and wine jugs has been offered as one of the reasons that the Roman Empire declined: lead affects the brain. (It's still a health hazard today, even decades after lead was removed from gasoline and paint.)

    Have you ever thought to Google 'Nero" and see the jillion gazillion reference sites that will show up, like Wikipedia?

  4. He burned Rome

    killed his mother

    his mother killed his father

    he was a jackass

    and he commit suicide

  5. he burned down half the city of Rome for a bigger palace

    he stab his mother in the stomach and he was married to her

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