My bf has an emperor scorpion as a pet. I hate the thing because I am terrified of it. But I do love my bf and so i need some help.
My bf brought this scorpion from a pet store not too long ago. (2 months) When we got it, the pet store guy told us that the scorpion would eat 8 to 12 crickets in a week. The first few weeks the scorpion was fine. It eat regularly and it would not hide. However for about three weeks now, it has not been eating. All it does is brace up against the tank and hide. It has eaten about 3 crickets in that period of time.
The tank is a 10 gallon and there is a cave to hide and a water container just big enough for him to fit in and also get out. He is about 6 inches long.
Is the scorpion dying? If yes how could I make it live? What else could I put into its tank to ensure that it is healthy and not on the verge of extinction from my house?
Also we tried making it eat worms and a pinky mouse, but it refused... what else could it eat other than crickets?
I know that this is long, but I really need help.... All answers appreciated.