
Emperor of japan ?? who is he??

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Emperor of japan ?? who is he??




  1. In the ancient japan, emperors are Shintoist's god.

  2. The Emperor (天皇, tennō?, literally "heavenly sovereign,"[1] formerly often called the Mikado) of Japan is the country's monarch. He is the head of the Japanese Imperial Family. Under Japan's present constitution, the Emperor is the "symbol of the state and the unity of the people," and is a ceremonial figurehead in a constitutional monarchy (see Politics of Japan). The Emperor of Japan is the last head of state entitled Emperor in the world.

    The current emperor is His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Akihito, who has been on the Chrysanthemum Throne since his father Hirohito died in 1989.

    The role of the emperor of Japan has historically alternated between that of a supreme-rank cleric with largely symbolic powers and that of an actual imperial ruler. An underlying imperial cult (the idea of Arahitogami) regards the emperor as being descended from gods. Until 1945, the Japanese monarchs had always been, officially, the Commander-in-Chief of the forces. However, contrary to Western monarchs, the role had rarely been assumed on the field since the establishment of the first shogunate. Japanese emperors have nearly always been controlled by external political forces, to varying degrees.

    Since the mid-nineteenth century, the Imperial Palace has been called "Kyūjō" (宮城), then Kōkyo (皇居), and located on the former site of Edo Castle in the heart of Tokyo. Earlier emperors resided in Kyoto for nearly eleven centuries.

    good luck..

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