
Emperor scorpions water drys quick.?

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i have a terrarium with two emperors the only trouble i have is keeping the water dish from drying out too quickly i tried sponges, cotton,very small shallow water dishes they dry out in about an hour and they never seem to get a chance to drink i avtually watched them for sometime with no help.Is there another way to do this?




  1. Try getting one of these things:

    You can also make your own with a bottle and other bits and pieces, but one like in the photo would only cost a few dollars, so it would be just as easy to buy one.

    Hope that helps.

    Added:- You can buy them at pet shops.

    Add #2:- I'm not sure of the exact name, but it's a water dispenser that's often used for birds. You fill the top part with water, and as the pool of water at the bottom is drunk, it automatically keeps refilling from the water above. I'll post another link if I can find one. Not sure why the other one doesn't work. Sorry about that.


    There are a few different types on that page. The ones I'm talking about all work on the same principle....the water continually refills the bottom part as it is used.

  2. Emperors need to have a humid (50% at least) environment. If you have a screen lid on the cage, get a hard piece of plastic or plastic bag trimmed down and cover about 1/2 of the lid. You don't want to block all of the ventilation, just part of it. Fine mist the cage 1-2 x/day with aged H20, distilled or springwater.

    The other thing is their substrate. What kind are you using? (Hopefully not sand) We use Canadian peat moss that is damp but not wet. It's clean, sanitary, easy to change out and holds moisture. The scorpions dig in it, make burrows and we have had excellent success with breeding and young being born. (There are approx. 50 animals in our colony)

    Lastly, try getting a larger shallow bowl and put some small clean stones in it. This will prevent the scorpions and crickets (if they're in the cage) from accidentally drowning. We use coconut shells that are cut in half, and stones that range from quarter to half dollar size. Clean the bowl and stones everyday as bacteria will build up and cause health problems.

    Good luck!

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