
Employed by a city in washington state.."terminated" while on active L&I claim?

by  |  earlier

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off work due to drs orders, on the job injury 25 years on same job ..second in seniority .. let go due to "having exhausted his leave.." (made to use employers leave at same time as L&I) (never given right of "leave share") now employer does the whole leave thing differently (as they should have done with him) never did it that way BEFORE him either... hmmm... any input...





    click on the link read and follow the instructions to get help from the state.

    as far as input i don't have a clue as to what you are trying to say or ask and i feel competent on workers compensation issues.

  2. Leave policies can be changed by the employer at any time, in accordance with federal and state law.  Most employers now run worker's compensation leaves concurrently with FMLA leave.  

    It is legal to terminate an employee who has exhausted all available leave time if the employee is unable to return to work.  Worker's comp will continue to cover expenses associated with the injury or illness until such time as the individual is released to return to the work force.

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