
Employee privacy / ssn?

by Guest58083  |  earlier

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We are trying to start a new business and require background checks. The paper work has ssns address's and license numbers. Our file box was stolen the other day among other things from our car. I believe the files were dumped in the trash can next to the car and the box used to carry the tools and radio they stole. The trash went out that morning though. What do we do, i dont want to seem paniced when I call the employee's




  1. I am not sure you're being clear in your question.  You shouldn't "assume" anything was "thrown away".  Was there evidence that other items were dumped in this trash can, I wouldn't assume it was just thrown away.  Put yourself in your job applicants shoes.  Prepare to buy them all credit protection for a year or two.  Bad situation, just don't make it worse by not telling them.  Good luck!

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