Why is it wrong for me to want nice things in life, like a nice house in the suburbs, a decent car, the ability to go on nice vacations and nice clothes, but it's right for my employers or business owners to obtain these things. Most business owner come across as selfish(which is a sin), by the way they pay their workers. Then they have the nerve to act as if $7.15 hr or $8-11 is a ton of money and that you should be able to pay rent/mortgage, ultilities, cable, food, car note, car insurance, kids schooling, etc on that little bit of change. Oh I forgot, they can pay for those BMW's, Bentley's, Acuras, Mercedes Benz, private schools, 1st class seating on airlines, suburban homes, Rolex watches, mini skirt wearing, stiletto, thong and silicone boob woman(40 DD) at the same wages and feel we should be able to. Yet they send jobs overseas to pay workers, $.50 to $ 3.00 hr and act as if American are wrong for not wanting to work for slave wages. I forgot to mention that I am presently working as a customer service rep $13.85 hr and taking on line classes so I can achieve a Bachelors degree in Medical Billing and Coding. God forbid if instead of driving a 08 Benz that they should take an 06 Buick Lucerne or 08 Honda Accord for the benefit of making sure their employees and their kids live and eat well also, but I have to remind myself, they could care less anyway. At least be honest, but most of these guys are'nt man enough to do so. I guess you can say, that's capitalism at it's best. Peace Out