
Employer code of conduct

by  |  earlier

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My employer recently revised their code of conduct to mandate that

employees report all occurrences of speeding tickets, arrest,

citations, etc to their immediate supervisor. I am a white collar

office worker and I do not drive a company vehicle or operate

dangerous equipment. I do not understand how any of this is relevant

to my job as a corporate professional. Can a company legally require

employees to disclose misdemeanor acts such as tickets and arrests?

My employer has not indicated how this information will be used or if

it influence my ability to remain employed. I must sign the code of

conduct or face dismissal if I do not agree with this provision which

I view as an infringement of my privacy rights.




  1. I can see this if it's for driving company cars, but it's a gross invasion of privacy if they're delving into your personal affairs UNLESS you're in some sensitive section of the economy where this would be relevant.

    See your local human rights agency and show them a copy of this.

  2. Unfortunately its at will employment and the corporation has lawyers on retainer.  This is a battle you would lose ever though its bullshi*.

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