
Employer pays 80% of my premium - If I opt out of coverage, do I completly lose the benefit?

by  |  earlier

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For example: lets say my company pays $800/mo towards my health insurance. If I cancel my coverage with them and switch under my Husband's instead, my company will be saving that $800/mo. So do I recieve that benefit another way or its forfeited by not using their plan?




  1. nope you forfeit it. if you think about it, they don't owe you anything. they were just being nice by paying most of it. best wishes

  2. Yes, you lose the benefits.

  3. It's forfeited.

    But you can't make any changes until Open Enrollment, anyway.

  4. no lose the benefit - some companies like mine pay employees $100/mo if they opt out of the health plan, but they are required to prove they are being carried on a spouses health plan, and for single coverage , my company pays about $250 /mo for one employee for med & dental - no where near $800 - for a married couple yeah

  5. Well it really depends.

    I was able to turn that into cash. i fugured the 300$ a months they were spending on my healthcare x 12 was 3600 a year.

    I told them i wouldnt opt out unless they gave me an xtra 1500$ a year, i got the raise, saved them money,

  6. You forfeit it.  It is a benefit that they contribute to, ifyou don't want the benefit - they do not owe you the money in salary.

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