
Employing non violent ex-offenders

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I am a mother of an non-violent ex-offender.I would like to ask all construction businesses who would employ and who wouldn't employ an ex-offender.He is a hard worker and prepared to do more training.He has aCSCS card and has his operators licences for dumper truck and 360 excavator.He is seriously looking for a career in this field.Can anyone out there help????????




  1. Hush Madam!  Most guys on construction sites have done SOMETHING they don't want trumpeted for all to hear.  It will simply not be an issue.  Just be aware, there is a recession on.

  2. It won't be a problem at all. My brother went to prison for breaking someones jaw (self defence) and he came out at got a job scaffolding.

  3. HI,

    When I was younger I was in and out of trouble, now I am a maintenance manager incharge of 7 people, I have found if you are honest it allways helps. In the onstruction industry I do not think it will affet your son unless hes working in a hospital or school on a large scale.In the uk your record is cleared after 5 yrs for most offences unless you are found guilty again and the courts will then see your previos. Hpe this helps

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