I was first employed by my company as a receptionist, and have since been promoted to accounts assistant, in April. There is a small acounts team of 8 people. Since moving over I have recieved most of my training from a friend of mine, who is also employed as accounts assistant and has been here for 2 years next week.
After a few weeks of me being here, this girl started to recieve emails from the boss complaining about the accounts departments performance as a whole, but the email was only sent to her, and HR was copied in. She felt like she was being victimised at the time.
Now she has recieved a letter warning her that she is at risk of redundancy and that she will be contacted by HR soon.
If they make her redundant before she has been here 2 years will she lose redundancy pay?
Also can they justify making her redundant when they have taken on me, we have the same job title and do similar things only she has much more experience and knowledge than me. It appears that it is a personal judgement against her.