
Empowerment Of Women???

by Guest66732  |  earlier

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I have 2 tell a speach on this topic in the class......plzzz help meeee




  1. Do your own homework hun, there's a macgickal oracle called 'google'...

  2. Try the Temperance Movement.  There were some strong women back during the prohibition of alcohol and during women's rights also.

    I had to take California history and that was a very intriguing and interesting subject.  If you google The Temperance Movement, I think you'll have no problem finding the info you need on strong powerful women of that time, which made a heavy impact on the rights of women today.

    Good look girl! !

  3. Women are always underestimated and are not given the facilities and opportunities enjoyed by men. They are still considered as burden. Nothing will change unless this mentality changes. Let me show you some statistics :-

    1) Of the 1.3 billion people living in poverty around the world, 70% are women.

    2) Women do about 66% of the world's work in return for less than 5% of its income.

    3) Women work two-thirds of the world's working hours, produce half of the world's food, and yet earn only 10% of the world's income and own less than 1% of the world's property. (Source :World Development Indicators, 1997, Womankind Worldwide)

    In this scenario, it becomes very important that women are given their share of opportunities. The UN is fighting for gender equity. They are working in this area through their campaign End Poverty by 2015. The campaign revolves around 8 major goals which would ensure the eradication of poverty, one of which is providing gender equity. The campaign also has a community mmunity.aspx?cmm=47234928

  4. Stop cryin' for help on the p.c. & use your head like we had to !

  5. Your an empowered woman, right?  Then perhaps the best thing is for you to do your own work... for the sake of the cause.

  6. Interesting name . . . that's what the guy I'm seeing named his cat.

    Anyway, I recommend that you make a speech on the problems with women's rights overseas and what Western feminists might be able to do to help.

  7. I have the answer ! Its here -

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