
En francais how to use faire when you're saying......?

by Guest66865  |  earlier

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a lot of times i see...

comment faire pour-(and then a verb)

Que faire pour me sortir?

give me other examples when faire is use in this case.

and what does it mean

i've been to the french site yahoo questions and a lot of questions are like that. i need help in understanding them




  1. "Comment faire" is simply followed by "pour" then the infinitive.

    Sortir is not a reflexive verb so it is "Comment faire pour sortir?"

    For a reflexive it would be "Comment faire pour me laver?" the "me " being replaced by "te/ se / nous/ vous" depending on who the question is addressed to.

    Other examples

    Comment faire pour arriver de bonne heure?

    Comment faire pour vous aider?

    Comment faire pour se débarasser de lui?

    Comment faire pour nous habiller?

    Effectively "How to proceed to do something?"

    What can we do to arrive early?

    What can we do to help you?

    How can we get rid of him?

    How can we get dressed?

    "Comment faire pour m'en sortir?" is an expression which means "What can I do to get out of this situation?"

    "Comment se faire" is impersonal , so "Comment se faire aimer?" would be "How to get oneself loved by others?"

    Que faire? works in the same way and also means "What can be done?"

    Que faire pour obtenir un passeport  d'urgence?

    What can be done to obtain a passport urgently?

    Je ne sais que faire: I do not know what to do.

    Je ne sais comment faire: I do not know how to go about it.

  2. Comment faire? alone means literally "how to do?", it means "what can one do about this? How can one handle that situation?...."

    ex : You should tell her you love her!=Tu devrais lui dire que tu l'aimes!

    Yes, but how (can I do this)?=Oui, mais comment faire?

    Comment faire pour m'en sortir? means How can I get myself out of it?/ How can I get over this?/ How can I get better?...Literally : How to do to get better?

    Que faire pour m'en sortir means What can I do to get better (to get out of this...). Literally : what to do to get better?

    Que faire dans cette situation? What one should do in this situation? Literally : What to do in this situation?

    You can use it with all the verbs (if it makes sense of course) and all the question pronouns.

    Pourquoi faire semblant d'être amoureux? means Why should one pretend to be in love? literally : why pretending to be in love?

    Où faire du tennis à Paris?=Where could one play tennis in Paris? Literally : where to play tennis in Paris?

    Quand faire ses adieux? When should one say goodbye? Literally  : When to make your farewells?

    Comment parler à une fille? means How to talk to a girl?

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