
Encoding Mode 1 pass or 2? Which is better?

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Is the quality that different or should I just stick with the faster?




  1. According to Wikipedia:

    Multi pass, or dual pass encoding, generally takes as much as twice as long as single pass. However, enabling this mode does not cause any file output compatibility issues, and provides for a more even distribution of bits across the length of the encoded file, allocating them where they make the most noticeable difference to quality.

    Means single pass does faster encoding, while 2-pass which has viable bit rate is slower process but more compatible to most video players out there.... also gives better playing quality to high resolution video by balancing audio to video bitrates avioding laggy scenes.

  2. It depends, 2 pass will get you a better quality to file size ratio.  If file size isn't an issue then it might not provide that much of a difference.

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