

by Guest58426  |  earlier

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Hello all!!

Me and my husband are TTC #1. I was supposed to start today, but have not. My b*****s are tender, tired as h**l, headache, very irritable, hungry constantly but whe I eat I get naseous. We are going to wait until Sunday to test, I just want some input from others!

Wish us luck!




  1. oh girl, you are so much stronger willed than I!! I would have already taken a c**p load of tests by now!!!  You know that in most cases any HPT would give you an answer by now! You could take one and stop torturing yourself:)  Good luck and baby dust to you!!

  2. i pray for u,GOD will help u,im sure

  3. Sounds Promising.  Good Luck

  4. My very first clue that I was pregnant were tender b*****s.  They were so tender that I couldn't pull my shirt up over my head because it hurt.  I remember crying one time because my boyfriend wanted to go out, but I was so tired.  I couldn't understand.  So, I tested 4 days before I was supposed to start and boom - I was pregnant.  My son was born in December and he is AWESOME!  I wish you the best of luck because it sounds like you are well on your way to being a mom.

  5. all the very best of luck i will keep my fingers crossed for you both sounds llike it will be good news though  all the best x*x
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