
Encouraging words for a new runner??

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I am a 25 yo female and I started running about 2 months ago, and in that time I have accomplished some significant goals for me. Inspired, I went out for an early morning run on monday morning, paid too much attention to my mp3 player, bit asphalt and seriously sprained my ankle and got 8 stitches in my knee! I've never had stitches or ankle problems! Now I'm all laid up and I hope that my love of running doesn't dissipate while I am healing.

Any encouraging words you have for me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

Needless to say, I won't be running with the mp3 player anymore!




  1. First, drop the mp3 player because as a runner you need to hear what going on around whether it a car coming up behind you or if you are running a race you need to hear your competitor by listen for them coming up on you.  Second, you have to be able to have fun at running.  Run because you have fun at doing it because if you don't you won't get a whole out of it as you will find way to egt out of running by making up reason not to run.  You need to define what kind of a runner you are going to be such as just a jogger to keep in shape to a recreational runner (entering a couple of races) to a serious competitor runner...I say this as i ran for 25 yrs competitive

  2. Rice =





    Also consider taking Ibuprofen to take down any swelling

    While you are healing try cross training options like:

    Weight lifting

    Elliptical trainers

    Spinning class / riding your bike

    Deep water running (great fun) this one can keep you at your current level of fitness, but more likely you will come out in better shape before getting injured.

    Watch some running vidoes go to

  3. Ouch!  While your healing, do stretches and strengthening exercises, perhaps do some pool running to keep your cardio/endurance up.  Pool running is great for ankle injuries, it has no impact.  If wearing an MP3 player helps you run, then do it.  This time, stop to change songs or playlist, volume, etc.  and then start running again.  That way your not distracted when running. And turn it down a bit so you can still hear whats going on around you. You have to be alert at all times.  Don't give up, healing time teaches us runners to be more patient and careful.  You are already becoming a good runner by rest and your love of running won't dissipate, because your obviously passionate about it.  If anything, you will be doing everything in your power to heal faster so you can get out there again.  I always pick up a running magazine to inspire me and fall back on to my running buddies at our local running club.  They are all inspirational in every way.  Perhaps write a running journal and record your good/bad running days, weather, mileage, etc.  This also helps you to improve and to be inspired.

    Treat yourself to a new pair of running shirt or shorts, waterbottle, etc.  This always works for me too.

    Don't worry, you will heal and you will run and become stronger, faster and better runner than before.  All this is part of being a runner.

    Join the club :)

    Heal fast, run happy and train smart :)

  4. dont run with an mp3 player. it probably was the reason you got injured. when you listen to music you end up running to the pace of the song. so you get all messed up. yeah if you want to listen to your mp3 player before like the olympians. but im guessing they only do it to hype/amp or get them into the if you wanna do that to sorta jump start yourself its fine but try not to listen to anything while you run.  

  5. Ah, don't worry, every runner gets injured.  We're human, not cyborgs!

    My latest bad injury was a torn calf in mid-2006.  It troubled me all last year, and even now feels a little tight.  The best thing to do is to rest until you have recovered.  The tendancy will be to get back as quickly as possible, but if you do that you can just set yourself up with problems later on.

    Consider doing some cardiovascular exercise other than running.  That will keep your fitness level from dropping off too far.  Swimming is ideal as your ankle will not be under any strain.  Perhaps a bit of cycling, though that will depend on the degree of injury.

    Also watch what you eat.  Not running will probably mean you are burning up less calories, which can mean your weight increasing during the recovery period.  Of course, that assumes that is a concern to you.

    I sprained my ankle back when I was 21, playing basketball with a (then) England international and US College player.  I was so amazed to score against him (it only ever happened once, and that was it), I forgot to land on the bottom of my foot rather than the edge of it, and heard 4 clicks as the ligaments snapped.

    There are different degrees of sprain, and whilst yours may not be as bad as that the treatment is generally the same: Rest Ice Compression and Elevation.  Don't skimp on it!  I was young and thought I knew better, and I have never got the compete range of movement or strength back.

    As for the mp3 player issue, I wouldn't worry too much about that.  If you like listening to music when running then do so.  I set my volume at the start and have it set to shuffle so I don't have to fiddle with it on the go.  The pro and anti mp3 running camps are pretty evenly split.  I will generally have an mp3 player on when I am running solo, but don't wear it for a race as the one time I did I found my pacing was subconsciously dictated by the tempo and I ran too slow.  But perhaps I should have put Metallica on there instead

    They say that rest is as important as exercise.  I take a month off running in December, and it worked wonders for my calf last time.  Aside from the feeling of tightness, I have had no trouble at all this year, yet from June to November last year I could barely go a week without it laying me up again.  I think I managed only about 30 miles in all that time.

    My experience of running has gone from frustrating to enjoyable again as a result.  Treat this as a similar break.  You may even find that as soon as you're fixed you'll be better than you were before.

  6. Don't stop running with the mp3, look at phelphs he listens to a mp3 before the race and look what he has accomplished. Always think of Usain Bolt and his WR time of 9.69 and your goal is to beat that. Peace..

  7. You didnt mention what kind of running or what distance you do. Never the less, you should not do any running till you have fully healed or you risk long term injury. Keep motivated, watch the olympics, read about success stories on the internet and in magazines. You are clearly a good runner if you have had early success in your carear, set some goals for your self and work towards them. I train with an MP3 because it gets me in the mood and makes me train harder, it also distracts me so i dont get bored of my training, thats why i still love it. Just pay a bit more attention to your running. Make a play list on ur MP3 of all your favies so you dont have to fiddle around with it whilst you are running. Good Luck

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