
End of Everything?

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It might not be in our lifetime but in the future 1000 years from now or something but not including the sun's rampage on the earth what do you think will cause the end of man?




  1. Staying on this polluted planet.

  2. In my opinion, the end of Man will most likely be caused by Man.

    "We have met the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo

  3. The sun has about 5 billion years to go.

    What do I think will cause the end of man?

    Staying here on Earth.

    The day we colonize other planets in other star systems is the day that we will be unstoppable.

  4. yes. A scientist told his class the sun will explode in a billion yearsl   Guy stand up waving armsWHAT what did you say?  I said  "the sun will explode in a billion years".  whew,  he said" I thought you said a million years'

  5. I think the end of man while be something that man does to destroy himself and wipe out possibly the entire human race

  6. There is no end.

  7. the end of mankind is when the time, the Creator of the universe itself will be back and clean the universe..burning the dirts that stains His creation... the sign of times is near.. "famine, wars, the increase in technology, political crisis" only the faithful one will not come to an end.... He will be returning soon.... i'm a sinner, and continue commits sin unconsciously and not meanly ...but then we are all awarded by salvation of the Creator so we will be saved by Grace, if will just all go near to our Father in Heaven, and the Creator of all man kind..

  8. We are the first generation to have at hand, the necessary tools in order to master the universe. However, before we can do that we must first master our own biology. This is something that humanity stubbornly refuses to do.  It will be the reason for their declining destiny and ultimate extinction.
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