
End-of-summer party? any ideas

by Guest56507  |  earlier

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My friend and I want to have an end-of-summer-bash. The problem is neither of us have a big backyard or a pool, and I checked with my town and we're not allowed to have a bonfire @ the beach. Does anyone have any ideas of where to have it and what to do? I don't want anything cheesy or childish, BTW: WE'RE GOING TO GRADE 8!!!!!!!

anyways, also not anything to expensive , and we want people to have a good time. We want it sort of like club themed, like with good dance music, and drinks, but not anything like a birthday party. help please!!!!




  1. Of course a successful party is based around a theme,

    The most popular one I can think of is a Hawaiian themed party.

    Why ?

    -This allows for great games

    -Allows you to wear nice, comfortable clothing

    -Appeals to people of ALL ages

    -And lastly, it has unqiue tasteful food


    I would play "limbo" surely you remember it, the game where two people hold a stick vertically and others attempt to go under it by "limboing"


    Wear something very casual, Hawaiian themed parties allow you to wear anything from a t-shirt to a skirt, etc.

    They also allow you to wear vibrant, noticeable colors.

    Unique Food: [1] [2]

    Hawaiian themed parties allow you to show your guest a very unique side of the world. From a tasteful point of veiw you will be able to serve your guest very good food at an extremley low price.

  2. play video games or watch scary movies all night. Or Get Drunk?

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