
End of the world 2012?

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Before, I got annoyed when people were questioning if the world was going to end 2012 because I thought it was total bs that it was. But after watching something on the history channel about 2012 and they mentioned the I Ching (some prediction device using 3 coins and a book with 64 different hexagram combinations) so they out those 64 hexagrams on a line plot time line that were predicted and the discovery of the new world, the line plot was high and in the 2 world wars date..the line was really low..when the line got to 2012, the line ended. As for the mayans (I also thought their calender was bs) they mentioned the end of the world blah blah..they also mentioned that the the earth was going to be aligned to the sun and something was going to happen that happens every some million years (I forgot the exact amount of years) and the mantle was going to shift causing the polars to be on the equator. Now the earth was destroyed 4 times. Why cant it happen again in 2012?




  1. well, the mayan predicted something about how someone would come back in 100 years and steal their gold (or something like that; i can't remember) and it did.

    But I don't think the world will end in 2012. Something big will happen, I just don't know what.

  2. I understand what you mean, but we don't really know when the world will end. The world ends when we die. I believe that if we keep going the way we are will actually end it ourselves.

  3. i am mayan we have weired way of sayin things wat my people men about he sun alining the earth was global warming

    an our colandar was verry accurate

  4. there are plenty of prophecies and predictions which all coincide with 2012 for whatever reason. you can choose to believe this because of all of the science that is supposedly behind it or because of the sheer massive coincidence that so many people seem to say the same thing, but really, we will not know until it happens.

    it's a popular theory, it's an interesting theory, but it's just a theory. sit around and wait's about the best you can do, to try and actually figure this one out.

  5. are you crazy that will never happen and if it did then shouldn't it be on the news or something!!!!!!!!!!???????????

  6. OK i just dont believe this because if The Lord wanted to start the world over again he would have already done it.        

    Plus The Lord loves us and does not want to hharm us in any way.   =]

  7. the world will end sometime in the early 60's when a rock will hit earth...

    (not 1960's")

  8. do you think the earth is pre-destined to cease existance on 2012, 11am on christmas? nothing is for sure in this world. and i also know that nuclear weapons have been developed to prevent these so called comets that are going to hit the earth. one is always floating in the air waiting to hit something that poses a threat. it contains uranium, which can pretty much destroy anything.

  9. Our planet is subject to destruction at any time by objects from space and has been since the beginning.It certainly can happen on that particular date, however I will be a skeptic as far as anyone being able to tell the future reliably especially over such a long period of time. I shall not "prepare: or worry about it at all. Of far greater moment is the 2nd coming prophesied in the Bible. It specifies that "No man knows the day or the hour, not even the Angels in Heaven but The Father alone".There are many prophecys that HAVE come true and some that are transpiring now. Read Rev13:11-18 and then go to The destruction of the earth may not be a physical one and may be the end on this age of man instead. The Bible states that all the nations of the world will come against Israel and you see how many are saying in no uncertain terms that they want to exterminate that nation right now.Research the timeline that John Hagee displays in his sermons on endtimes prophecy. Keep an open mind.

  10. A long time ago, people believed the world was flat. I guess some still do.
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