
End of the world:December 12th,2012?

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I watched "Number 23" tonight,

and it said something about that being the day that the world ends..

Can someone tell me more please?




  1. It's the day an old Aztec calendar ends. That's all.

    Remember the 'end of the world 'prophesies' for 2000,

    (oops it's really 2001...oops).

  2. The answer is supposed to be May 12, 2012 , That was another end of the world book.

    Can you guys make up your mind?


  4. Okay, here's the deal.

    About 1500 years ago, there were a bunch of people who didn't know how to mine or use metals, or make wheels.  Or even build seaworthy boats, for that matter.  But as people without much to do have a habit of doing, they stared off into space for a while.

    They soon noticed that certain things that happened in the sky did so at regular intervals.  The bright yellow thing comes up once a day, from the same side every time; the pale white thing shows up 29 days out of 30, the tiny sparkling dots are on a fixed rotation, etc.  So they wrote all this down and used it to predict things like solstices and equinoxes, and hence the growing seasons, but then they discovered there were a few inaccuracies: ever four years the whole thing is thrown off by a day, etc.  So they figured out a way to compensate for this, but instead of doing it the obvious way like we do, switching every year between one of 14 possible calendars for the coming annum, they just made one really big calendar that would predict the next 1500 years.  Impressive, but not really practical, as within 500 years their civilization had collapsed completely and they became totally illiterate.

    Fast forward another thousand years, and some of us intelligent people (who can do things like pilot boats, work metals, and build wheels), dug their old calendar up and figured it out.  Someone noticed that the calendar cut off after 2012, and figured there was some significance to it.  I figure, they probably did the calculations counting on their fingers and only had about 55000 people to work with, so after that many days (works out to about 1500 years), they ran out of fingers and had to stop.

    The really dumb thing is, they spent all this time making sure they had a really accurate calendar, instead of figuring out how to stop their civilization from falling apart into ruin.  They did a whole extra millennium for nothing.

  5. This is completely based on the idea of the anceint Mayan civilization. The Mayans made a lunar calender, similar to ours, and made these calenders into the future assuming their civilization would last forever. The last day of the last calender they made is Dec 21 2012.

    To tell you the truth, im scared, but it may just be when they decided to stop.

  6. The only one who knows the end of the world is God.  According to the bible, he will send His only son, Jesus in the blink of an eye-and nobody knows when.  The date is based on the ancient mayan calender.  Who knows?

  7. not true. no one knows when the world will end

  8. it's kind of ridiculous to me how anyone knows when the world will end. and why does it have to be on december? why not like...april or something? so yeah, i don't believe that junk haha.

  9. Brother, human beings can be wrong. Only God knows when the world will come to an end. We can predict, but our prediction may not be correct. Don't worry and enjoy your life.

  10. Maybe, but honestly doubt it.

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