
Endangered Children debate?

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If you were posing questions to a debate of helping the world's endangered children, what questions would you pose???




  1. should environmentalist kid`s eat last so the hungry one`s can eat first

  2. children are not endangered

    ,if anything there are far too many.

    world population has more than doubled in the last 50 years.-

    so we should be seriously looking about having less.

    make family planning accessible for the poor

    and the foregoing education

    And stop arguing about abortion.

    And if you say that is wrong

    Why is bombing thousands of woman and children acceptable.

    As for the millions of kids starving on this planet because of Wars etc,who really is the cause of that ?

    The corporate world is  and you are a part of that.

    The first world countries could stop all of this .if they really wanted.

    but their agenda is about depopulation.

    The aid operational is more symbolic than effective.

    In 1998 an American statesman at a Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen said ,they needed to bring the world population down by 60%

    Where is the market for the 2 million kids that go missing each year ? The USA is a mayor one.

    Truth is very Sad.

  3. Why are children endangered?

  4. Why is this posted in the Conservation section?

  5. -Why wouldn't You want to help these children?

    -Imagine If these were your kids, wouldn't you want them to be safe?

    *These Children deserve good homes, and loving families

    Etc.. etc

  6. what are we going to do about it

  7. Wonderful Q. I see where your coming from. It's pretty bad when you have to label them as such to make them worthy to be on the list.

    I would pose it as "How can we protect the world's endangered unborn human babies?. how does that sound?.

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