
Endangered Species that affect humans?

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Are there any endangered species, that if they were to dissapear, would adversely affect humans. Are there any endangered species that humans are dependent on? If they die will we? I know the bee is one of them, but does anyone have any info about this?




  1. we humans are part of the worlds Eco systems and depend on them for our survival

    you have to look at ecosystems as a single concepts made up of many components .

    some times the links are not clear but they do exist .

    If Changes are made to the LAW OF HARMONY (or Equilibrium)

    What matters remains to be seen ,

    but that it will change things is certain.and we are always affected by the end of it .

    Everything in Nature is a balanced existence between species of both flora and fauna,that has taken many thousands of years to reach the present point of balance.

    To add to this with foreign species again of either flora or fauna sets a change in motion.As well as taking components out .

    They once sprayed for mosquito`s on the banks of the Danube and all of the life in the woods disappeared ,the mosquito`s being an important part of the food chain for many birds reptiles etc.

    We all know about the rabbits and deer in Australia and New Zealand ,each specie needs a governing factor lest it goes out of control.

    As grass needs grazers ,other things needs predators ,add something with out a predator ,and soon we have them up to our necks ,

    Some times the effects take many years to become noticeable ,sometimes not.

    Take away giraffes,and giraffe p**p,and the trees will look like hippies ,but more leaves will fall to the ground so more soil will be the result ,but we wont notice much until a few hundred years,have gone by and a changed soil with time may support different plants.

    How ever even a species existence may depend on some animal being around ,

    There is a tree that only continues if the fruit is eaten by an elephant,and germinates in the elephants p**p.And the elephant clears the wood of old trees letting the sun in ,poops and voila!

    No elephants and this bread fruit tree will cease to exist.

    Just as the disappearance of squirrels will have a marked effect on natural reforestation.

    Birds plant all over the place especially fruit trees ,with out these birds ,less will be planted .

    A trick in Permaculture to import fruit trees is to have a pole with a bird feeder set in a lightly mulched piece of composted ground .And the visiting birds will leave seedlings behind.

    There are millions of examples of interrelationships between fauna &fauna &flora in Nature .

    Naturalist will argue it is always wrong to interfere,,And i tend to agree with that 99%.

    Others will say, it is progress it wont make a difference ,BUT IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE,whether this difference is harmful ,or will go out of control only time can show us that,and sometimes this can be a very long time before we say d**n we should not have done that.

    In Africa everybody killed any type of snake and now fields are collapsing because plagues of Norwegian rats have tunneled beneath the fields.

    And people again are releasing mole snakes to combat this.

    They used to kill vultures but not any more ,people have realized that these carrion eaters are very important to deal with dead bodies( of animals) that other wise would spread disease,and now farmers have vulture restaurants where they dump any carcasses they end up with.

    Kids in Mexico killing iguanas,and birds, with slingshots,has resulted in plagues of caterpillars and lots more insects being around .

    No Ants means loads of scorpions ,no scorpions loads of cockroaches,and so it goes on .even if we don`t always see it ,everything`s got a job.

    To predict what could happen if species disappeared, one has to have in depth knowledge of everything that lives what its interrelationships are and what it`s side effects are.

    If we want things to remain stable ,without any nasty surprises that may come back to bother us Humans ,it is best to leave the Eco systems as intact ,with the least change ,as is possible ,

    Now with climatic changes going on we are having drastic changes at micro biotic levels that will effect invasive microbe populations as well as insect population with chain reactions going all the way up the food chain ,and we will be the last to know as usual.

    Having said all that there are certain times when we can use the exotic or invasive effect to our advantage .

    Wattle,Lantana and Oudhoot for example in Africa ,on the banks of a creek will go crazy and totally block the passage,But the same stuff planted far away on a hill on the edge of the property will provide fire wood forever .

    Eucalyptus inside a garden will end up alone ,having killed just about everything with chemicals it releases from the leaves and roots.

    But on rocky mountain sides where nothing will grow ,the Eucalyptus will pioneer, break open the rocky surface with its huge roots ,can be killed and a forest can follow in its foots steps

    Now with the bees disappearing in many places there are huge problems with crops not being pollinated .

    Endangered species also play their parts ,in eco systems that have been fine tuned for millions of years .

    the more species become endangered ,the more endangered we will become our selves .Because we are on the top .

    Apart from that what kind of world do you want the children to inherrit???

    Our generation and the ones before us have managed to destroy more in a hundred years that all of Humanity in the history of the planet

    Somewhere along the line should be the sense of responsibility

    Are we guardians of the lands we occupy during our life time and during the seconds of the lands existence ,as Native Americans believe ,(they do not think of themselves as owners )

    But we do ,

    so do we have the right to wipe it all out in the brief moment that we are here or is the land also meant for those who come after?????????

  2. People that work and are willing to work are on the decline, if they disappear who will be left to support the lazy ones on welfare?

  3. Another situation similar is the large fruit bats of the South Pacific.  They act as pollinators and seed distributors for many plants that serve as cultivars for current crop plants.  They are losing habitat due to deforestation and hunting (apparently they are quite tasty).  Entire island economies will be destroyed if these guys are driven to extinction.

  4. Every single creature on Earth depends on one another in direct and indirect ways.  Plants and animals hold medicinal, agricultural, and ecological value.  Plants and animals are responsible for a variety of useful medications. In fact, about forty percent of all prescriptions written today are composed from the natural compounds of different species. These species not only save lives, but they contribute to a prospering pharmaceutical industry worth over $40 billion annually. Plant and animal species are the foundation of healthy ecosystems. Humans depend on ecosystems such as coastal estuaries, prairie grasslands, and ancient forests to purify their air, clean their water, and supply them with food. When species become endangered, it is an indicator that the health of these vital ecosystems is beginning to unravel.

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