
Ending a friendship?

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I wanna end a friendship with 2 friends that are sisters but do not know how to tell them how and not start a big fight.I am afraid to tell them because I dont know what they will do.They are really loud and always getting me to do things I dont want to do.If i I am listening to my I-pod they ask to use It and i say no they fuss and whine about It.They dont want me to hang out with other friends.If they find out they yell at me.How can i end this friendship without a big fight.




  1. it's hard to say. there's a 50/50 chance here. just be honest with them. tell them that you can't stand how they act around you and you want to hangout with other people.

  2. what you need to do is tell it how it is .... just tell them how you fell about them... dont be mean okay ... just tell them what you really feel and that you dont have anything aganst them ...okay .. you can do it .. good luck

  3. tell them how you feel and how they are acting to you..if they continue tell them that you wont be friends with anymore

  4. Gradually pull away by making yourself unavailable to them.  They'll get the message.  If they don't, they'll ask you about it.  If they do, just tell them that you didn't like the person you become when you're with them and you thought it best to get back to being the real you.

  5. Tell them that we CANT be friends anymore if you keep acting like this and if you do anything to try to hurt me i will tell someone and you will get in trouble!

  6. I say that you talk to them about it first. Confront them about it the next time they do something you don't like. And when they tell you to do something you don't want to do, be firm about it and tell them, NO. Don't be a push over and let them walk all over you. And if you still feel the same way in a couple of days. Just tell them, I think your a bad influence on me and we shouldn't be friends anymore.

    This sorta thing happened to me, and that's what i did. =p

    thope if works out!

  7. Why do you even need to say something??? Just avoid and ignore them i think they will get the message.  And never let your friends tell you who you hang with , if they say something tell them to pack sand.
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