
Endometriosis....jus read another question, could any answer in relation to me. thanx?

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hiya ladies

i have long cycles- 40days and unbelieveable period pains (i have asked a question about this) and they are heavy. my pains are really bad, i have so many painkillers and wednesday i was almost crying, they make me moan out loud and nearly make me sick. my back hurts so much i had 2 lay with a hard tub undermenth the bottom 2 put sum pressuer on it.

i also get pain during s*x jus as hes entering, like a stabbing pain around the left or sight sides of my belly.

i have ttc for 9 months now and i am quite worried.

when i went on the pill at 14 due to heavy and painfull periods th edr suggested testing for endo' but never mentioned it again and jus changed my pill when i sed i was still in pain.

any advice would be welcome and when i do go 2 the dr anything specific?

thanks and good luck 2 all sorry if im doing ya heads in with all these questions i just want as much knowledge as poss 2 throw at the dr.





  1. Dear Lola,

    Have you thought of looking at the cause of the problem? Dian Shepperson Mills is a nutritional therapist and after endometriosis she retrained and has been researching the problems for many years. She also has treated thousands of women with endometriosis with various side issues and has had great success. Her treatment can work along side conventional treatment and she can give advice on that as well.

    She has written a book, which is widely respected and many sufferers treat it as their bible.

    Best wishes

  2. well if i was you i'd go to the dr's straight away, as it doe sound like you are in a grate deal of pain, you need to be referreded to genealogists so they can help you, yes youve be trying ttc for 9 months so far and your in pain so they should be able to deal with both things.

    they can do things for endo the best treatment would prob be where you had a lapcorspy so they can lazer or remove the endo out, this would give you a much better chance of conceiving

    here this might help

    also good luck xx

  3. I too suffer from the pain you described. i am on painkillers everyday of my life and my doctor says i too have endometriosis. i suggest you go to a doctor and get the laprascopy surgery asap. it will remove all the scar tissue, which will help with the pain and symptoms. although eventually it will return, it will most def help you to conceive. i do not have health insurance so i havent been able to get the surgery, and have been ttc for 2 yrs. trust me, the pain only gets worse the longer you wait. i have been suffering for almost 5 yrs, ever since i had my son.  If you search endo on the web, you can find some useful info that will help you understand what it is, and why it can sometimes cause infertility.  I wish you the best of luck and hope you can get this taken care of as soon as possible.  

  4. I went through all that pain aswell and about 3yrs ago i went to the doctor told him all about it and then i got amitted to hospital.  Got surgry for endometriosis it was scarring that had to be burnt out in my tubes.  

    Still get a little bit of pain but no as much as before.  Go see you doctor quicker you get it sorted the best the results x

  5. Hi Lola

    I have a 'getting pregnant' book by expert Zita West and she says that if you have to take painkillers to deal with your period pains, then that indicates that something is not right, and you should see a doctor about this.

    It is normal to have some light cramping during a period. It is not normal to be in agony.

    Your doctor should take you seriously if you go and see him about this. Tell him you don't want to keep masking problems by taking the pill and that you think you have a problem that is preventing you getting pregnant.

    You don't have to put up with this!

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