
Endurance for golf practice sessions?

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Was at the Zurich classic and watched Jesper Parnevik smash balls with his driver for an hour or so after his round without any fatigue.

After a bucket or two at a relaxed pace on the range, my arms get tired and it inhibits practicing more on my swing.

Work out 4 times a week with high and low reps and am in very good shape muscular wise, but do not do much cardio. Would this help or what exercises could I do?




  1. you should never hit more than 120 balls on the range. It's just too easy to pick up bad habits. Furthermore, start out your practice on the practice green, putting and chipping for fifteen to twenty mintutes. This will get you stretched out and ready to bang some balls. You will find it  much easier do hit an excessive ammount of full shots this way. good luck

  2. You need to work your delts and pecs mostly because thats where the strength comes from

    Cardio could help so i would improve it abit just because it helps with all around balance of your body

  3. Golf is not a strength sport, so doing weights to get stronger is not going to improve your golf. What is important is endurance and flexibility. If you increase your CV, your fitness levels will increase as well as your endurance. Incorporate a lot of upper body and core stretches as this will help you with your swing.

    In golf, once you start getting tired you lose your concentration, once you lose your concentration, your golf goes to pieces. The 2 mains ways that people get tired in golf is dehydration, and lack of fitness.

    Good Luck

  4. The game of golf requires 'stamina' all round. You'll need physical stamina, mental stamina as well as spiritual stamina. Of course we often hear the expression 'practice makes perfect', but in golf you need other attributes as well.

    No matter how much or how long you spend time on the practice range Or on the course, you will not improve until you achieve the correct techniques, the frame of mind and mental strength needed to master the game. Because golf is NOT just a game of chance. It is highly scientific and dynamic.

    When playing golf it's more of a game of the 'mind, body & soul'. All three should complement one another. You need to have the strength and agility to do it. You'll also need to be focussed while doing it. And you'll also need the mental strength to stay focussed and be consistent in your routine.

    Having said all that we can summarise as follow:-

    a) Know the techniques of the game well enough; and improve on your weaknesses;

    b) Know all the do's & don't's of golf; get expert input for these;

    c) Maintain a good physique, have a well-balanced diet, carry out light physical exercises to strengthen your specific muscles, slightly more than normal;

    d) Practice, practice, and practice - there's no shortcut to consistency in golf swings & shots; and finally,

    e) Learn how to manage your game, play more percentage gholf, instead of the 'kamikaze' options.

    If you can manage all the above well enough, I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy playing good and consistent golf to your heart's content.

  5. How can you say getting stronger is not going to improve your golf! Have you not seen Tiger and Camlllos arms versus John Daly's?

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