
e***a question?

by Guest33834  |  earlier

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I was wondering if a fleet e***a would make you lose bowel control like if you used it and then tried not to go to the bathroom. Like if you were far away from the bathroom and couldnt get there would you need a diaper cuz you would have an accident.




  1. no it shouldent, why are you using one?

  2. over the e***a questions

  3. Why do you keep asking this questions. I have seen this before, i fyou dont like the answers then just dont listen, dont ask again.

  4. Can you please stop making up different names to incessantly ask this question?

  5. Are you from troll

  6. Yes, an e***a could cause a sudden rush of the bowel contents causing an embarrassing situation for the person.

    However, some illnesses and bowel diseases can do the same thing to a person who is not using any type of products like an e***a.

    Most people who require the use of enemas stay at home following their application to prevent public accidents.

    Some people who use diapers or protective undergarments do so because they have regular minor leaking from bladder or bowels.
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