
Energy Drinks? Do they give you energy?

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Red Rain,Red Bull,Rockstar. Are these good drinks? What do you think?




  1. 4 a min. then u get overly tired.

  2. Not really energy they just keep you awake by giving you Vitamin-B and Caffine

    Drink Rockstar Energy Drink!!!

  3. they give u energy for about an hour but then all of a sudden u fell very tired and worse then b4?! :))

  4. yeah. but not for long, then you get really tired after, they're good for you at all, since they're loaded with sugar.

  5. No , not at all!! See, when you have a energy drink you have a like a somewhat sugar rush them later you have a crash and feel really bad!!

  6. personally... I love red bull

    and they do give me energy for a few hours or so.

    But, I hardly ever drink caffeine... and they are so bad for you that I drink them as a treat every once in a great while.

    but I think if your body is used to the caffeine you might not have an effect after drinking.... natural energy is ALWAYS better for you though

    plus you have that horrible sluggish feeling afterwards

    and this is what i think :)

  7. no ,,,they are not good for u

  8. yes they do! i crash after a while but its awesome while it lasts! usually i drink red bull, amp, or monster

  9. Yes but two feckin hours later

  10. They basically have caffeine of other stimulants and basically make you hyper-----like  sugar might

  11. nah not really they just make you hypher and the sweetness of the drink just refreshs u and it.Hey if it does then we can say red bull gives u wings.but just in another scientific way yeh cause we get enegry from sugar so yeh and no.

  12. they all give you energy... what is the question?

  13. ha yea definently red bull but it takes like an hour to kick

  14. no they don't work

  15. Overall the drink may taste good.  But they don't give you energy.  They actually make you feel worse than before.

  16. Well they make you hyper for a short amount of time, but the sugar in it just makes you crash later on... and they really are unhealthy for you... get more sleep or work out if you are so tired... energy drinks really do nothing for you...

  17. i like them but they make u fell sick after 5 min

  18. Rockstar is good they kinda made me shakey.they work for a little bit

  19. Wow lots of stupid answers here, I suggest you try a more reliable source then people and their bias opinions. I have an article that will tell you the real truth about energy drinks so i think you should give that a try ;)

    just give it a quick read and I am sure it will answer all your questions!

    hope I was of some help :D

  20. Energy drinks can give you energy. They use various stimulants like sugars, caffeine, taurine, guarana, ginseng, and B vitamins to do this. Most energy drinks only provide energy for a short time though. Healthy energy drinks provide energy for a much longer period of time.

    Regular energy drinks are full of sugar and caffeine mostly. More than sodas. First we get the sugar high then crash. The caffeine intensifies the crash. It takes more water to process caffeine than a caffeinated drink contains so it actually dehydrates us. When we are dehydrated we become tired and lethargic. If you replace that water within 15 - 30 minutes after taking the energy drink then the crash will be lessened. Even though regular energy drinks also contain some B Vitamins it normally is not much more than what the caffeine depletes our bodies of so it really is not of much use.

    Healthy energy drinks don't use sugar and use a higher amount of B vitamins than normal energy drinks which is what really provides the energy. They still use caffeine but not as much. It is still necessary to transport the B - vitamins to give you the energy. They don't use guarana only because it contains high levels of caffeine. The healthy ones easily energize us for 5 hours as they names of two of them indicate.

    Caffeine itself can stimulate us for hours. It is recommended to not have caffeinated beverages within 4 hours of going to bed. If you are properly hydrated caffeine can stimulate you from a 2 - 4 hours. While there is no guarantee to the exact time of provided energy as we are all different and different amounts change from day to day we would be much better off having healthy energy drinks. We won't get the crash and the energy from the B Vitamins is needed more than the other stimulants.

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