
Energy/Electricity use? Statistics% of what electicity is used for? Global Warming related :)?

by  |  earlier

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What are the statistics of where most of our electricity goes to?




  1. use of Electricity/fossiles fuel/ energy are directly related to Global Warming.We can explain it such this way:-

    1.Thermal electricity production has emmited the huge    

       quantity of Green house gas i.e. CO2,SO2,CO, and water

        vaper too.

    2.Fossiles fuel and other traditional energy resources has

        also emmiting green ouse gas.

         These green house gases are the main cause of Global


  2. If you are in America then you will find the answer at the source below. If you live elsewhere then try searching for "electricity consumption by sector for xxxxx" where xxxx is the country you are interested in.

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