
Energy Production?

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I'm working on a science paper about energy production and the environmental problems that happen because of it. The thing is... the problems can ONLY be about energy production, and not about air quality, waste management, or water supply. I already have strip mining as one of them, any other ideas for problems? Thank you in advance.




  1. Did you check over at  

    I bet you could find an idea for your paper over there.

  2. I don't know if this helps you at all, but there are some environmentalists that don't like hydro power because people build dams across the rivers and that creates flooding killing wildlife, farmers fields etc. and it changes the river system so that fish and other organisms get trapped and die, it changes the ecosystem of the river.

  3. There are lots of alternative source of power (or energy).  For electrical energy, there are hydropower plants, tidal power (from the difference of tides), wind power (wind vanes) and solar energy.

    A lot of countries are adapting these already but in isolated areas only at the moment.  I believe this is because there are still a lot of readily available sources of energy (mostly fuel-fired power and nuclear power).

    Its the alternative power source for vehicles that has only one which is hydrogen-fueled vehicles known as Hybrid Cars.  Commercial production is still limited.

  4. Oil tanker spills?

    Dams changing the course of waterways, preventing salmon from heading upstream, and flooding habitats?

    Drilling in wildlife refuges?

    Oil rig fires?

    Acid rain from high sulfur coal?

    Danger to coal miners?

    Just what came to mind.  I'm a bit confused, though, since poor air quality is an environmental problem that can happen as a result of energy production.
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