
Energy Rip off?

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Many years ago when politicions were relativaly honest I recall one of them saying something along the lines of " As a North Sea oil well becomes empty, Natural gas could be stored in the cavity". Is there a honest politicion out there who would bring about the re-Nationalisation of the British gas industry and allow the UK to store our own gas and retail to the British people at a much cheaper price than we are being forced to pay at present due to the dubiose practice of selling our gas to forighn companies who then sell it back to us at extorsionate prices using the excuse that we have insufficient storage space to enable energy companies buy gas at competative prices.




  1. yes

  2. no

  3. yes I agree.

  4. Vote Labour out. Vote Tories in. If they don't listen-vote them out. If there are 3 voters in your family allow 2 to vote Tory and 1 to vote BNP. Make them sit up and take notice. Destroying Britain they are. We should all do whatever it takes and not use gas for a month. Cut their precious trees down and make fires to cook. European rules-blah! Money mad the lot of them. We must organise protests and wake up to the fact that they are killing us slowly. I earn good money but it's all getting taken in VAT and tax,tax and more tax. Since labour came to power the council tax has risen 84%!!!!Hate them. Taxing oyur savings for retirement. Taxing our legacy to our children-thieving bureaucrats. MP's to get more money for 2nd home. Everytime you go to government you must fill in millions of probing questions about your finances. Gathering information about us all the time. Snoopers,voyeurs. They are mad dogs. Take the cctv down so we can sort out the criminals without getting prosecuted. Only 3% of crimes solved with cctv.

  5. Won't work.

    1) They've never been relatively honest, you've just been younger and less able to screen through the BS. :)

    2) The gas needs to be injected as the oil is removed to maintain pressure and prevent collapse. However, this isn't the best way to manage that problem or store natural gas.
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