
Energy conservation week!!! PLEASE PARTICIPATE!!!!?

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this week is energy conservation week...

have YOU been doing your part?

what have you been doing?

if you don't know about it:

its this week and i think everyone needs to contribute... it's OUR world... it's not too late

don't just do it for this week... do it for the rest of your life...




  1. saving energy

  2. I ran my electricity, took a nice long hot shower thereby using lots of natural gas, cooked lots of meals with natural gas, drove places I needed to go thereby using gasoline and further contaminated the atmosphere with my exhaust.  I've used plastic, glass bottles, and coke cans.  And I'm not sorry nor do I feel guilty in the least.  Global warming is a crock.

  3. Driving hundreds of miles in my shiny NEW Hummer that does 2 miles to the gallon. What fun, the seats are made of rare wood, and the rims are polished with oil that the oil companies have been selfishly saving for themselves.

    Would you like fries with that?

  4. using energy to run ur computer isnt helping

  5. I drive a honda, plan my errands and walk if possible.  Around the house we recycle, use bath water for watering the yard,  have a compost bin, use the efficient bulbs, turn out the lights and  use fans vs. the air conditioner if possible.

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