
Energy consumed in transporting water?

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Energy consumed in transporting water?




  1. Water normally is pushed up because of the water that is behind it. In a dam the water flowing into the pipe/river etc.  is always being pushed by the pressure of the water in the dam. That's how hoses work.

    There may be more energy consumed if the water is going against the force of gravity but it is usually small.

  2. If the water is flowing downhill, we need to add no extra energy to transport it. Thus we could load a barge with water in Minneapolis (this would take energy of course) and then float it down the Mississippi to New Orleans. The current does the work for us.

    But in general, water is dense and heavy. Transporting it by truck or train is quite costly and consumes much energy.

  3. If you're asking about most municipal water systems, then there's a considerable amount of energy required to get the water to your house. The water is constantly being pumped here and there. It needs to be under pressure so that you don't notice a drop in flow into your house...that requires a huge pump (usually several pumps) to push the water into elevated storage tanks, call stand pipes, to keep the pressure evenly distributed across the city. The pumps are constantly being called upon to add more water to these stand pipes as it gets drawn out. During a fire, you might have all the pumps in the system pumping like crazy to maintain pressure in the system.

    The energy imparted to the system is from electricity...if the power goes out, then the pumps have back up sources of power in the form of natural gas or diesel fuel so that the system is always operational and ready for emergencies like fires.

  4. I assume unlike others you are talking trucking bottled water to stores....its alot...but,where can you find save water.

    Everywhere I have lived(all over) the muni water sucks and is full of mercury and poison

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