
Energy drink question??

by  |  earlier

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okay lets say that u have about 5 rockstars in about an hour period...

what happens??




  1. Well you will have to pee real bad. That is equivilent 10 glasses of water in an hour as far as liquids.

    Since water gets into your system quicker and out too the remaining caffeine will dehyrate you something fierce. That along with the crash of the sugar leaving your system will make you feel extremely tired, both mentially and physically. It can also lead to a very severe headache.

    With all of that sugar and caffeine you will most likely not be energetic but more nervious and twitchy. It simply is too much in such a short time period and may cause a cardiovasculary problem even if you are very heathy.

    I would highly recomend against doing such a thing.

  2. you can actually have a caffeine overdose and have to be hospitalized... trust me I work @ Baylor, and I see this alot

  3. I think you'd be a "live wire". I wouldn't have more than 2 in an hour ..

  4. You are not suppose to drink more then 1000 ML of it a day. So you shouldn't drink no more then 2 Monsters a day.

  5. well first you get really hyper. then you crash. but if you need more energy, energy drinks are NOT the way to go. try more sleep and exercise and if you really need a boost then try green tea or coffee.

  6. Most likely, your heart rate will skyrocket. It will feel like a hammer is beating your chest and extremely uncomfortable. You will be hyper, but it will be painful and scary. Drinking more even more than one energy drink in one hour is very unhealthy and can land you in the ER. Get straight to a doctor's office or hospital. Don't try it. Completely unhealthy.

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