
Energy from soild waste?

by  |  earlier

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how we can get energy from soild waste? i want flow sheet and plant design.




  1. if you mean biological waste like food scraps.

    .. ........... .... digestion .................. burnt in turbines

    biological waste  ----------->  methane ---------------------> power

  2. Near where I am they just use it as the fuel to heat a boiler which makes steam and runs a combined cycle steam turbine.

  3. You mean garbage/rubbish? or sewerage sludge?

  4. solid waste can be converted to methane, in anaerobic decomposition, Methane can power electric turbines. this is a recognized method.

  5. Waste to energy facliities are widespread in the U.S.  Typical plants use compressors to compress the landfill gas, and then chill the gas to knock out the moisture.  The gas then is sent to a turbine, where it's burned, and made to turn the turbine rotor.  

    The hot turbine exhaust gas, typically at 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, will then be sent to a steam drum to create steam.  The hot steam is then sent to a steam turbine to turn another rotor.  

    Each of these rotors will be attached to electric generators to create electricity.

  6. we can burn it and use that heat energy

  7. keep your waste mix consistently made from the same things and you can get bio-gas as the waste decomposes.

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