
Energy from the sun concept?

by Guest57514  |  earlier

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i need 5 or more sentences on this concept explaining this concept.




  1. We could get energy from the sun!

    If the nearest thermonuclear power plant were millions of miles away, it might be safe!

    If it ran hot enough, it could send energy to us with electromagnetic radiation in the visible part of the spectrum.

    Organisms could adapt to using this energy, possibly even using it to make food.

  2. sun is a hot ball of gases where enegy is produced by nuclear reaction generally fusion of hydrogen gases to form higher elements.

    the energy radiate from sun to its surroundings and the planets like ours receive the energy. of the energy received 1% is trapped while remanining gets reflected. the green plants are the primary receiver of sun energy which can utilize it in formation of food.the ocean and seas, the soil, all get physical and chemical change.

    the enery is conveyed to one another through ecological and geochemical cycle.

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