
Energy needed for One US hamburger can feed 20 meals in India ?

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""The amount of energy needed to make 1 hamburger in US = amount of energy required to grow about 5 lb of rice. 5 lb of rice would feed 1 person atleast 20 meals. who is over consuming? vegitarian/non-beef eaters in India? or 1 person consuming 1 hamburger?"

One US hamburger=5 lb of rice and 20 meals




  1. Hi

    Do you have the statistic about the hamburgers that they make in India ?

    Waiting your feedback

  2. That's true and I think that's sad!!!

  3. I am not sure what your point is. Are you complaining about the eating habits of the USA or congratulating the Indians? Either way please remember the luxury car brand Jaguar is owned by an Indian company, and you could no doubt build 3 or 4 smaller cars using the same energy as is used to build a Jaguar.

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