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tommorow is a really big track meet for me and im running the max of 4 events. they are all really spread out ( 4x800, 1600, 800, and 4x4)

my main event is the 800, do you think i will be tired from the 1600 or will i be fine? cause a few weeks ago i ran the 800 and not the 1600 and i ran my pr 2:30, plus i was on my period.. so idk..

any tips/input would be appreciated




  1. i am a runner myself and i would know from experience that you are probably going to be really tired and probably will not run a pr. however, my pr in the 3200 came on a day that i had already ran the 4x800. so good luck to you.

  2. Yes, I think you will be fine, but if you want to be certain, you can try and get a good portion of carbohydrates in your lunch, such as pasta, and that should carry you through the 4 events. Gatorade after each event will also help.
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