
Energy saving light globes and green house gases - Pls explain relationship.?

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Energy saving light globes and green house gases - Pls explain relationship.?




  1. Energy saving lights use less electricity so fewer electrical generators need to run to power them, so fewer smoke stacks on generating stations are putting out exhaust containing green house gasses.

  2. In the developed world, the number one contributor to greenhouse emissions is space heating.  Number two is transportation.  Number three is lighting.  More efficient lighting is a quick, cheap, easy way to cut emissions.

  3. Most of our electricity is generated by burning coal.  The resulting CO2 absorbs the infrared that otherwise would leave the Earth into space.  Thus, increased CO2 will cause higher temperatures, no doubt about it.  Using more efficient lights reduces the amount of electrical power needed, thus (slightly) reduces CO2, the principal greenhouse gas, production.

  4. No connection, really.

    They use fewer Watts to get the same output Lumens.  This saves fuel at your local power plant.  But the fluorescents they're trying to force us all to buy aren't so great either.

    First off, they have mercury in them, which incandescents don't.  There is NO information on the box telling you to take them to a toxic waste dump rather than tossing them in the trash.

    "Green" is now a word that marketing people use to trick us.

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