
Enervate... googlemail page dictionary word of the day.. Do you know it already?

by  |  earlier

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I don`t profess to know the words each day I just like to look at them on the mail page. I did not know this word.




  1. Yeah,i read it in the Harry Potter series,lol

  2. No, I didn't. Thank you

  3. That's what bears do for the winter isn't it,  d**n was thinking of circumnavigate.

  4. I didn't until I looked it up. To weaken.

  5. Exhaust, make tired, knacker?  I think.

    I'll go to a dictionary now and check.

  6. One night with me,and you would be enervated! Hehee.

  7. To energize, to enliven

  8. Taking a cold shower in the morning enervates you.

    Yes, I know the word. Sometimes I fail to be enervated by questions on Yahoo Answers.

    Shows how much I know. I thought it meant excite, but I just looked it up, and it means emasculate/weaken.  Sorry about that!

    I may think I'm a smartarse, but we can all make mistakes!

    Now why would the spell checker suggest I hyphenate the word smartarse and when I do that, censor it: smart-a****.?

  9. i tought you were the one who knew everything

  10. I didnt :(

  11. yes,I knew

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