
Engaged and married females?

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Do they flirt? :D

If someone flirted with u when u r having a walk, would u smile or say bad words to him?




  1. I'd be polite & smile, but not flirty, but then i am English. Smiling at someone here, just means your being friendly, that's all.

    Of course if the comment was a rude one, then i'd keep walking, or say something 'sweet' in Egyptian, its fun knowing another language (well, a small amount of it, lol).

  2. no need to be rude I just say I am married and happy.

  3. i never flirt even b4 marriage as i haired now that girls flirt guys

    and if someone flirt me as its happened sometime but of sure its rare thank god i ignore them look 7 years ago something bad happened to me as it was kinda late and i was have no money as i expected to have a money from my work but it doesn't happened so i waited for a taxi and tell him that I'll pay at home some one came and flirt and out of no where some of his friends show up as i ignore him from first so i cross the street and found a small glossary so i ask him to make a phone call and told him that i have no money so he accept  so i phone one of my friends and he tell me I'll be right here in a minute the one who own the glossary tell me stay here i watch all what happened so i accept of sure as he was so kind old man after a while this guys enter and told the old man that I'm his sister's daughter and i want to ran away and he want me to return me back after a while my friend show up so i ran so these guys try to stop me so my friend get out of the car and the owner of the glossary began to beat them so it turn to be a fight and they want to go to the police so since then i ignore all flirts if they began to say bad words i stop a taxi and jump in it

  4. I'll ignore and have no reaction if somebody flirts.. It only happend like once when I just couldnt help but smile because the person who was doing the flirting was really funny or said sth witty..

  5. i tell them I'm flattered but that I'm in love w/ someone.

  6. No, I would continue walking like a soldier and completely disregard his comments.

  7. Depending on the mood for my walk LOL most of the time smile say hi dont make too much eye contact if they try to get you to talk more thats when you let them know or if you may have an idea mention how your significant other is waiting for your return. I would not be rude though. That also depends on the situation if they wont back off then go off

  8. If he is respectable about it, I give him a polite smile and look away so that my eyes don't meet his and keep walking of course.....this says to him that I am flattered but not interested.

    If he is pushy and rude or something, I would probably tell him he's an idiot and walk away.

    I know that my husband sometimes has small worries about how men behave when he is not do wives have small worries sometimes about husbands behaviour when they see a attractive woman... so it is in both of our best interests to respect each other by keeping the flirting inside the marriage. 8^)

  9. im not engaged nor married butttt... if which it has before,if a guy flirts with me while im having a walk i dont smile an nor do i say bad words but i give him a dirty look an continue on with my walk an show him how disgusted i am of how he is acting such like.

    but my cousin would do the oppisite she would give him a dirty look at talk back to him an call him words.. cause when me an her were walking one time i ignored them but gave them a dirty look an continued my walk while as she an i are walking shes just back talking him an saying bad words.

  10. It depends.  If he's REALLY good looking, I ignore him but sometimes I smile to myself without him seeing.  If he's ugly, I give him a very bad look or tell him, "What's wrong with you?" or "Is something wrong with your eyes?" or "You are wasting your time".  Most of the time, I don't care and I ignore.

    Just being honest.

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