Fiance and I met and a month later were pregnant with no firm relationship established. We are adults and took the responsibility, bought a house and so on... Once baby was born I stayed at home for year and a half worked evenings. We really didnt see much of each other and again didnt establish a relationship with each other as number one priority, the baby has always been. Now back to work and baby is more independant there is more time for other things. We are mutually not happy, we never argue though. We dont go on dates and he doesnt call during the day to ask how my day is. We tried a date and both practically stared at the wall becouse we were not used to being alone together. We rarely hug and kiss and when we do I am the one who attempts. He is used to me being the primary home keeper since the first half of our relationship has been a stay at home mom. Now back to work it is still expected. We havent had bed love in two months, cant snuggle, never comment on how nice you look.... in other words all the mushy things in a relationship is not in ours. We are in love with each other but lack other things. Through dealing with all this I have a interest in a coworker that from what I can tell is the most independent, self sufficient, personable and very in touch with self and others type of "dream guy". Its unreal... and a big problem, I love my fiance and child. HELP!!!!