
Engineering or Architecture?

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I'm having a tough time...

I'm interested in becoming a Mechanical Engineer, however Architecture has been interesting to. What are the similarities and differences between these careers? Career Outlook? Which would you enjoy and be good for these days?




  1. I would prefer Mechanical Engineer, because I do not have the artistic talent, if you are like me , then follow me.

  2. OK, as the old joke goes, mechanical engineers build weapons, architects build targets.  But seriously... mechanical engineers deal with the forces surrounding mechanical devices, engines, turbines, aircraft, etc.  While architects design the look and aesthetics of buildings, and do less with the forces and equations required to hold them up.  So the answer is up to you, are you more inclined to mathematics and solving problems, are are you more artistic and like form and function over hard number crunching.  Knowing that about yourself will give you your decision.  

    You will also have a lot better employment opportunities as an engineer.

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