
Engish lady on here name is dolly bird. i like if you have my baby and me will get british passport can ....

by  |  earlier

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....get in touch wit me please s**y english...x*x




  1. troll alert!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. OHH her!! You can find her at 1444 Red Lane Road Ville Burg Street. Go Left at the corner, pass the man in the yellow rain suit and woopsie daisy and you're there!!!

  3. you are the scum of the earth

  4. Dude... that's messed up.

  5. Are you serious?  I'm sure she's just teasing you twirp

  6. P*ss off

  7. wrong place and time

  8. no british woman worth her salt would touch you with a barge pole.

    only the silly ones who want a s**y toy boy and then wonder what went wrong when they leave as soon as they get residency.

    game over this is old news

    and i presume you are joking

  9. Go back to sleep - it was a bad dream!

  10. It doesn't work like that - you need to have been born in the UK and have UK birth certificates before you get passport and if you came here and partner had a baby, baby would get taking to orphanage and you would be deported. Why does everyone want to come to UK? We have very high unemployment, bad housing and the price of food, electricity, fuel, rent and council tax is very high and we have the minimum wage of £5.52 per hour, that would only buy 1 packet of cigarettes.

  11. Why not - you can get a council house too.

    Then you can sod off and she'll be able to claim every benefit under the sun as a single mother.

    You'll both be winners.  Only loser is the British taxpayer who has to pay for you, your silly slapper and your progeny (of which there will no doubt be many) . . .

  12. What???!!! Why dont you just F*** off!!!! and the same goes for your other questions!!!!!

  13. will i do

  14. sorry with equal rights and all that you will be the one having the baby, i've done my bit for society already !  lol

  15. LMAO

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