
England/The English.misunderstood or supremely arrogant in thinkin the world revolves around them?

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No Paul C im not a Scot,its not just the Scottish that dont like the English,DJ whats your point?I didnt mention the Americans,its about the English,you do know the difference i presume,and Comrade Hassan,who stopped thinking what in 1918?




  1. we live on an island so sod the rest then someone built a silly tunnel the bliters

  2. very arrogant, but i can understand why...

  3. we built and shared it out i'd say unappreciated lol

  4. An nation totally misunderstood. They are the salt of the earth and have had more to put up with than most. With great swathes of the once beautiful country side erroded over the years to make way for urban sprawl. And the traditional way of living gone for ever because of the influx of people wanting to live in England.

    No give them a break not Arrogant...but have the need to defend what they see as their birthright.

    EDIT A great deal of this so called arrogance is really tongue in cheek humour...not very helpful though when trying to convince folks' that you are genuine!

  5. actually this is rather interesting. i think that America is the supremely arrogant nation EVER. the English are much more refined and superior than loud and pushy Americans, so if that is then interpreted as arrogance than so be it. America, i think that is it safe to say, believes that the world revolves around them and if it doesn't they should do everything it can to make it so. this is greatly demonstrated through their intervention into almost every single international conflict since WW1. who thinks that the world revolves around them really?

  6. right on.

  7. Is it not true of every nation to be mainly conserned with what directly affects them. I think, as an English person, that we are misunderstood, as people usally only think of the upper class english, who can be arrogant, there are lots more perfectly normal, unarrogant, self deprecating people in the country of Englandshire.

    Of corse lots of English folk are well grumpy, and can seem arrogant.

  8. We are arrogant with confidence, as are the French, Germans, Russians and Yanks.

    But of this group only the French  care about themselves above all others first. That is why we dislike them most, Then also our general populous dislike the yanks. Had it not been for two world wars, the Germans and us would be very similar, and they make great beer, we drink it, we invented football, they beat us at it. Finally, of course the world revolves around the English. It is the first thing we learn at school i thought everyone knows this.

  9. Thats really rude. But it used to though didnt it?

  10. its the ruling elite ******** devils that are at the heart of it. and they are made stonger by having a nation of brainwashed fools to do their bidding

  11. Of course we're arrogant.

    It's because we're so much better than you :-)

  12. We English are the most noble of the aristocratic nations, we are the most beautiful, the best educated, the most honest and generous. We are the most understanding. the most loving and benevolent. We are kind to children and animals and we are the most modest people on the earth.

    ( Eh, now , let me think, have I forgotten to include anything? !!!!!!)

    Oh ! Yes..... We are the most misunderstood of people, and some even say we are arrogant  and think the world revolves around us. Can you imagine that?  Can you imagine such a thing?! Dear , dear me, I am mortified ! What is the world coming to? I think I am going to have `one of my turns`, I`ve come over all faint, I`d better sit down and have a cup of tea, oh dear, dear me !  What ever next ?


    To the foul mouthed person who just sent me an e-mail full of obscenities;- What is the matter with you ? Have you no sense of humour? Can`t you tell when someone is `having a laugh`? One thing that we English are good at, is being able to take the `mickey` and to laugh at ourselves, and if you can`t tell when we are doing that, then I am very sorry for you my friend.!


    Also, you spell ed the "F" word wrong(in your e-mail to me) there is only one "u" in it not two.

  13. We are supreme beings, all others should l**k our boots .

    Edit: That was a joke you dumb S.O.B ! thumbs downer.

  14. Some English people are arrogant. Then again some of the rest of the world is arrogant too. I think it's all about how you were raised and stuff.   I'm Scottish, I live in the border of it, so it's very mixed with English and Scottish people. To be honest I seen just as arrogant a English person as I have a Scottish person. It's all about up bring and the personality of the person.   Doesn't matter were they were raised. It was how they were raised that comes's down to it

  15. There was a time when this was true, when the English were colonizing the world, and everywhere they conquered, they subdued the native culture and imposed their own.  That was extremely arrogant.

    But, because for a long time, we WERE a colony of England, many of those practices were also done in the USA, particularly in the treatment of Native Americans and African Americans.

    We thought the traditional English way of doing things, our way of things was the only and best way, so we completely devalued and in some cases, outlawed minority culture.

    It's hard to be humble when you're a super-power!

  16. You're getting us mixed up with the Americans. We are the ones that can speak English.

  17. Well c the things they do and try and view it from their angle maybe u'll understand.I'm guessing u r American,right?But the music they listen 2 just sucks lyk Mika and all those dudes.Eeeww!!!

  18. We stopped thinking that about 1918. Don't know where you get your ideas from.

  19. This role has now been taken over by the Americans

  20. I think the vast majority of English people are no different to any others - don't think the world revolves around them and just want to be left alone to get on with our lives.  It may be desirable but it is not compulsory for people to be concerned about world issues.

  21. Given these options I have to go with misunderstood.  I know several people who have moved here (the US) who are from England and none of the ones I know are arrogant in the least.  When it is just my husband (who is English) and I he will sometimes pretend to be s****. and arrogant...and I will pretend to be very backwoods and is just a joke though.

  22. errrr no we don't at all

    I bet you are a scot!!!

  23. It does; although we seem to have forgotten it.

  24. i think this is for americans.... its not for england's english people...

    you need to improve your knowlege buddy....

  25. The English are arrogant and dislikerd by all.

  26. What can I say.... The ENGLISH are the most arrogant people I have ever met.  They are rude, selfish, loud mouths and need to get a grip on reality - not everything revolves round them.  

    They are especially worse when in foreign countries - i think they  forget that they are visiting another country and they should treat that country with some respect...  Its what they expect from tourists visiting theres.

    This comment relates to 99% of english people.

  27. here,here!!!

  28. Agreed!!!  ....Most of them...  try finding a needle in a hay stack...  (Know what i mean)

  29. Actually, this is usually said about the Americans.  I suppose it depends where you live, doesn't it?

    There's arrogant and misunderstood people everywhere.  It doesn't do any good to try to classify an entire nation that way.

  30. Wrong nationality - that`s the Yanks who think that.Who else would have a sports tournament called The World Series where only American teams can compete ?

    Anyway WHY should we care about issues that don`t directly affect us ?We take in the worlds dregs - give them money ,houses ,jobs etc. and WE get labelled arrogant and uncaring ????

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