
England V Wales?

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didn't the Ospreys do well. Did any Scarlet fans watch the game




  1. You were gifted that one.

  2. Wales have a kiwi coach now? well done to the team anyway

  3. Wales were c**p in the first half and England were dominant and then they imploded and Wales took the initiative. I hope that England are ashamed of themselves today as i was watching them

  4. hahahaha how embarrassing for the english my side's are still sore come on WALES

  5. Cefnogwr o'r Gweilch fan hyn ond cefnogwr Cymru hefyd!

    Cymru Am byth!

    Wales did us proud at the end of the day!

  6. fab

  7. Kia Ora bros, put the kiwi brother back in charge and instant success

  8. very well done from scotland..wooohooo!

  9. Stick your flamin chariots up your **** !!!!!!!!

    Cymru am byth,twll tin bob sais !

  10. Yes and Yes!!

  11. I was in the local pub of the Scarlets supporters club and at the end of the game even we were singing Olé, Olé, Olé, Opreys, Ospreys. Everyone apart from the guy in the English jersey, at least.

  12. Awwwwwww. that is nasty.......LOL though!

    The WELSH team did us proud, they way they turned the game around was brilliant!

    Well done lads........

  13. And we were singing Hymns and Arias, land of my fathers Twll din pob sais.!!!

  14. Scarlets, ospreys, cardiff blues - we're all welsh at the end of the day and Wales did us all proud! The whole of wales will be singing today!! C'mon Cymru!

  15. Iech yd da, bob cymru!

    Twll dien, bob syth!

    Thanks Rolyn R.....

    Twll dîn pob Sais!  There!

    That's Better!

  16. The Ospreys took on the whole of England...and won!!!

    Modern Major General..Get it's " Twll dîn pob Sais!"

    Good sentiment, wrong words....

  17. Hey, the Ospreys are a world class side by anyones standards.

    England threw that away yesterday.  After the efforts of the 1st half, they should be ashamed of themselves.

  18. England were rubbish thats why you have one
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