
England have beaten Australia.?

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English people are naturally extatic at the win over Australia. We didnt expect to win, (well, I didn't) and to win in the way we did with the forwards absolutely smashing the Aussies aside was brilliant to watch. But already there are one or two snidey comments flying around mainly from the Welsh, the Irish and the Scots that we were lucky and we wouldn't have won without Jonny.

So what? We are thru to the semis and surely at this stage we are allowed to dream a bit and say we could go all the way. (unlikely I know but you stand a better chance of winning if you stay in the tournament) You could bet your @rse that if the Irish, Welsh or Scots were to do what the English have done today, their fans would be thinking 'what if' as well.

Why do people begrudge the English winning anything?




  1. look, anyone who watch the game would of seen that England forwards outplayed the Aussies with the likes of Sheridan and Gomersall.

    the welsh and Irish are still windging about being outplayed and not being to good enough to compete in this world cup

  2. As for the answer given by "Pablo Esca.......thingy?!"  I'm a kiwi  and  I'm so wrapt that England won! ( And, by the way, Johnny Wilkinson, do you have a girlfriend?  Yummy! )

  3. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would ever support the English, but that was before I came into contact with Aussie supporters on this forum. What 'n bunch of dwisse.

    Today I rooted for the Poms, and look what happened.

  4. As any true sports fan will tell you.

    All that matters is england beat austrailia at any sporting event.

    Even if its marbles.

    That bunch of skippy muppets love to give it the big one.

    The fact is england are always a massive target for anybody to beat.

    All these countries of the old empire love to gloat when they beat england and then make a point they have the best sports facilities in the world.

    I will get a massive kick knowing they will be crying in there beer in the punch and judy in london, covent garden.

    And as for the jocks,micks and the sheep sha.....ers.

    Who as we know would have been hoping skippy would win.

    Up yours.!!!

  5. England played better.....aussies can't walk the talk

  6. Let me know who begrudges England winning anything and I'll send the All Black back line around to see them.

  7. Everyone knows that the Irish, Welsh n Scots are just jealous pricks. I know when we (England) win something we go over the top abit sometimes (Ashes, 1966, RWC 2003 .. ) but i mean come on .. aren't we allowed to be proud of our country and celebrate ?? .. The other home nations are probably just fed up with watching us do well in events such as WC's, Euro etc etc while their crappy team gets no where.

    However if it was the other way round we would support them in tournaments and hope they do well, but when it comes to us, they support any other team except England. It's just sad and pitiful the way they act.

    We have a right to be proud of our country when we do well in sporting events .. and to be honest .. i dont give a f*** what them lot think ..

    Go Englanddd  !

  8. England won.  Congratulations.  I wish your boys all the best.  Being a Springbok, I dont believe you can win the cup, because we will be winning it, but you deserved to win against Australia.  You were the better team on the day.  Very well done.

  9. the press are to blame, if they didnt go on so much about how england will win everything, people wouldnt take so much pleasure in them losing

  10. I missed the game i had to work sounds like i missed a good one , as for the comments from other teams like england being lucky this comes down to jealousy as they are not in it anymore ,lets all hope we win it again ,come on England

  11. Yeah like you i am miffed as to why theres so much hate towards the english. But i dont think its got anything to do with sports i think its goes back to history,but hey some people will never change.I would like to say that all scots/welsh and irish dont all spout the usual bollocks off like the ones on here.

    I mean if england are so bad why do people choose to live here from abroad.

    Just for the record scotland have won most of their games via the boot of cris patterson.

  12. Well done England.

    Unfortunately the games are going to be more difficult and anyway I think this was the last victory.

    I really hope for England to beat AB to make it easier for SA, but you had your triumph.

  13. Welsh, Scottish, and the irish are always biassed to other countries as they are jealous because the English are to talented. If you didnt guess I am english

  14. Think I`ll pop down to Earl`s Court for a few beers and gloat, the pubs should be empty as the sad losers will be sitting at home.

  15. I don't give a rat's a r s e what anybody else thinks or says.

    We beat the Aussies in the World Cup again !!

    So we're still World Champions for another week at least.

    Who cares who scores the points - you could say that about pretty much any kicker couldn't you - if Wilko hadn't scored them, another kicker would have. The point is that the English forwards were so much in charge that they forced the Aussies to give away penalties in areas of the field where they gave up 3 points.

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