
England!!! how shitey will next olympic games be when China spent 24 billion with labour costs of ....?

by Guest34208  |  earlier

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.....£5.00per month and britain spending 10 billion with labour costs of £25/£50 per hour,,,, looks like the british tax payer has **** in its own pants again,,,,,,,,,,,,, wot you say jonny engish..........x




  1. most of whatever money is available will probably be spent on so called celebrities of the time hawking themselves around with a latest song or dance for exorbitant amounts of money and as usual the ordinary joe will pay exorbitant prices to see a load of rubbish

  2. with they amount of chinese in this country they could hold them for us

  3. I think the best way to cut down costs is to put (force) all asylum seekers to work and pay them two quid an hour.

    Wot you says to that Turkish?

    We would see the back of a lot of stinking track suits running for chunnel and ferry ports, yes!!!!

  4. Import Chinese labour, might work out cheaper

  5. englands games will be paid for with honest money. we wont be casting innocent people into resettlement centres  because we need the land their homes are on to build an entire new city fit for the world to see.. we wont be clearing our streets of  the poor and pushing them out of sight. we wont need to clear our streets of stray animals. we have nothing to hide. we dont need to throw unlimited money , taken from our people to prove how good and pure and clean we are,

    china actually spent 45 billion to prove to the world how good and clean and pure they are. we still know different. and we dont need to do that. we can do our games without hurting anyone. i defy china to say they did that

    edit. well said andy t.

  6. Who the h**l is jonny engish?

    Anyways, China might have spent pots of money - but whose money was it? The Chinese people's, that's whose. And did the Chinese people have any say whatever in (a) their money being used this way, and (2) how it would be allocated?

    Answer: No.

    Whose money will be the London Games be using? The people's.

    Will the People of London (and the UK) have a say in what money will be spent and how it will be spent?

    Answer: Yes.

    Conclusion: China is run by an undemocractic and unaccountable government that can do what it likes with its people's money.

    So stop whinging!

  7. lol its funny how pessimistic everyone is getting about London's Olympics, i take Pride in the fact that my home country will be hosting the Olympics and be willing for other to do the same

  8. I think the Olympics is a waste of time & money. I don't think London needs it.  

  9. We r FU*KED lol

  10. YOur RIght!

    We R F****d!

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